Discover the beauty of remote Gougane Barra and West Cork


From the Kingdom of Kerry we venture to West Cork. Passing through seaside villages, colourful towns and rural landscapes, enjoy stunning scenery and numerous photo opportunities. Sample Irish hospitality at an award-winning artisan food producer, local pub or enjoy a picnic at a scenic stop-off point.

Our tours give you a unique experience and the chance to go off the beaten track, exploring parts of West Cork that the larger tour buses cannot access.  

Life is short and the world is wide. The sooner you start exploring it, the better
— Simon Raven

First stop is the village of Glengarriff, nestled between the mountains and the sea with stunning views over the islands in Bantry Bay, including Garinish Island.  Also known as Ilnacullin, Garinish is a spectacular island garden located a short distance from shore.

We follow a coastal route through Ballylickey before moving inland through Kealkill towards Gougane Barra. Set in a scenic valley in the Shehy Mountains, the lake at Gougane Barra is the source of the River Lee that flows through Cork. It is famous for the 6th century oratory, or chapel, built on a small island on the lake. Enjoy a walk through this idyllic landscape of lake, mountain and forest.  Nearby, the famous Gougane Barra Hotel is the perfect spot for some lunch before heading back towards Kerry. The return journey to Kenmare takes us through Kilgarvan and a visit to The Top of Coom, officially recognised as the highest pub in Ireland.

pink flowers with green stems
cream lettering with car illustration for irish atlantic tours

Top Tips

Take a few moments of reflection in the beautiful church at Gougane Barra